Trends in Total Deposits and Contribution Ratios for a Sample of Medium-Rated Banks

Trends in Total Deposits and Contribution Ratios for a Sample of Medium-Rated Banks

Prof. Haider Hussain Athafa1 * and Ms. Bashaer Aziz Salman 2

1,2 *Al-Muthanna University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Business


This research aims to study the role of the interest rate and its effectiveness in directing individuals’ savings and depositing them with banks during the research period (2005-2019). The interest rate is one of the most important factors in transforming individuals’ savings into deposits. The software (E-views12) has been utilized to show the functional relationship between interest rates and the contribution ratios of average bank deposits to total savings based on the autoregressive model (ARDL). The most important conclusion of this work is the existence of a long-term integrative relationship between the research variables.


Keywords: Savings, Interest Rate, Autoregressive Model (ARDL)

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2022,Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 1-24

DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-4/1-24


Categories: Uncategorized