Developing Management Skills on the Financial Performance of SMEs is a Priority in Iraq

Developing Management Skills on the Financial Performance of SMEs is a Priority in Iraq

Dr. Ahmed Nawar Naseef*

Al-Imam University College


This research aims to develop managerial skills on the financial performance of small and medium-sized companies as a priority in Iraq, in which human resources management is an important aspect in enhancing the competitiveness of the institution and raising its position. Financial performance in terms of indicators, and the research sample was several companies operating in the Iraqi market for securities. This research came out with several conclusions. The most important of which is that strategic human resource management strategies significantly impact the growth and profitability of small and medium companies, and the research recommends several recommendations. The most important is that future research on this topic examines the impact of SHRM practices on SMEs in many cities with accurate data for SMEs in the same region.

Keywords: human resource management, financial performance

مجلة المثنى للعلوم الادارية والاقتصادية, 2022,المجلد 12, العدد 4, الصفحات 232-248

DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-4/232-248

Categories: Uncategorized