The Strategist’s Intelligence and Vigilant and Their Influences on Achieving Organizational Success: A Survey of the Views of Administrative Leaders at Al-Muthanna University on the Implementation of the Government Program for the Year 2018-2022

The Strategist’s Intelligence and Vigilant and Their Influences on Achieving Organizational Success: A Survey of the Views of Administrative Leaders at Al-Muthanna University on the Implementation of the Government Program for the Year 2018-2022

Duaa Abd-Alredha Hadi Al-asadi         ,       Aseel Ali Mezher 

College of Administration and Economics, Al-Qadisiyah University, Iraq


The current research focuses on topics of great importance to organizations, namely strategic intelligence and vigilance and their impact on organizational success and the adoption of the analytical approach in the implementation of the government program of the Prime Minister for the period (2018-2022) and the ministry of higher education and its application at Muthanna University where To study the impact of strategic intelligence and vigilance in achieving organizational success represented by the objectives of the government program of the Ministry of Higher Education by being together or separately as one of the tools of strategic management and of topics of great importance adopted in developed countries. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data and information on the process of implementing the government program, as 30 forms were distributed to the administrative leaders represented by the president of the university, scientific assistant, administrative assistant, and (15) dean of the faculty and (12) head of department in the presidency of the university) and reached Research to the existence of a relationship of correlation and moral impact between the variables of the research as recommended a set of recommendations if taken to help the administrative leaders to take advantage of the possibilities available to them in the required levels of strategic intelligence and vigilance and employ them in a way that contributes to the success that seeks To him the organization.


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