The Reality Of Human Development In Iraq And Ways Of Treatment With An Indication Of Service Of Reality Environmental And

The Reality Of Human Development In Iraq And Ways Of Treatment With An Indication Of Service Of Reality Environmental And

Haider Talib Musa
University of Al-Muthanna / College of Administration and Economics


The human development the subject at the present time is one of the most important topics of concern to the community in any part of the world delayed human development efforts and lack of interest in singling does not affect them, but it also affects the march of an entire people and restrain progress, pushing for the dependence of policies and programs that are correct and rational to draw conclusions and recommendations Scientific efforts to promote and develop human development success of any society and its development depends basis primarily on the individual development of )healthy،educational subsistence(. interest in these aspects is an important part in the development of any country plans to create a strong base and the people with the hands of a skilled, Investing in human capital is a long-term investment has positive benefits that the individual raised in particular and the society are reflected in general, the explain whichimportance and value of human investment, building of strong social capital is considered a necessity for human development. hence the focus on core areas as the basis for the production of human development in a balanced and integrated in the community and create a desire to provide the human element through the formation of an effective potential for wealth creation The development of human capital and provide for the needs of the individual services and achieve the aspired targets is the center of the circle and the center of the conflict in all came activities related to human development. So search explain to discuss these areas and targets within the two axes، the firs explain the theoretical aspects and the basic concepts of human development also explain the role of the United Nations and its development programs in the identification of human development problems in the various countries of the world through the issuance of human development reports the start of 1990, while the second axis discuss to explaining the reality Iraq’s human development and review of the difficult conditions experienced by the country of wars continued to this day, and the legacy of destruction not only in infrastructure and human, but this destruction included all aspects of life, including the environment, which we will refer to it, as we will discuss in the search to the reality of municipal services provided citizens in addition to the case with him from drinking water in addition to the pollution suffered by the fact that this aspect a direct impact on the real life of the Iraqi citizen that Lived..


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