Low Oil Prices And The Necessary Measures To Reduce Its Impact On The General Budget In Iraq

Low Oil Prices And The Necessary Measures To Reduce Its Impact On The General Budget In Iraq

Haider Kadhum Mehdi
Al-Qadisiyah University/College of Administration and Economics


The oil income considers one of the important essential finance to the state budget and any defect effects on this source will have great impact on the budget , as well as the general; budget of the state becomes connect with prices and petrol productions value , changes on the petrol prices as speculations , economical and political elements , the cost of one oil barrel since beginning of 2015 which reach 50 USD for one barrel , which has great impact on the general state budget as being the revenues will be decrease or low of the exportation of petrol , which are the main source of development and management process of all the state sectors . the research deal with the state budgets for different years and it has been notified the big value of running expenditures comparing with the big values of investment expenses , the huge expenditures resulted from the huge public sector . The decrease of petrol prices and what resulted impacts on the general budget required put obligatory procedures able to decrease these impacts , and keeping on the work process in all state sectors , these procedures should whether to decrease the value of general expenditures or increase the state incomes in order to overcome the low in petrol prices


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