Leadership Characteristics and Their Role in Marketing Strategic Planning in Commercial Banks Operating in Jordan

Leadership Characteristics and Their Role in Marketing Strategic Planning in Commercial Banks Operating in Jordan

Daher Raddad Qurashi *a        ,      Balqis Sameer Mheisen b

Amman Arab University


This study aimed to reveal the role of leadership qualities represented in (inspiring others, strategic view, time management, research and development ability, social intelligence) on strategic marketing planning in terms of (competition, customer, and company). The study used the descriptive analytical approach, and the study population consisted of upper and middle management in commercial banks in Jordan. The study used the appropriate sample, where (390) questionnaires were distributed to employees of commercial banks in Jordan from the level of upper and middle management, and they are represented in the following categories: heads and members of banks’ boards of directors, general managers and their deputies and assistants, heads of departments, and branch managers. All questionnaires (390 questionnaires), were retrieved, and after their verification it is found that (6) questionnaires were not valid for statistical analysis, while the 384 questionnaires were analyzed, at a rate of (98%) of the total questionnaires distributed to the study items.


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