The impact of operating cash flows on the value of the company – an empirical study in a sample of Iraqi private banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange

The impact of operating cash flows on the value of the company – an empirical study in a sample of Iraqi private banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange

Karar Selim Abdel-Zahra Hamidi
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2013, Volume 3, Issue 7, Pages 65-87


The research aims to clarify the importance of using cash flow metrics attributed to some of the financial statement items and the impact of those flows as independent variables on the value of the company as the dependent variable . To achieve the objective of this research has been selected sample of private banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period from 2008 to 2012 about 55 Show . variable cash flows measured through five measures are: – Operating cash flows attributable to net income, operating cash flows attributable to the sales, operating cash flows attributable to total assets, operating cash flows attributed to current liabilities, and cash flows attributable to owner equity. the dependent variable (the value of the company) measured by the ratio of the market value per share to book value , based on the financial statements published by the banks, the sample . the statistical software package SSPS used in conducting statistical tests , which included descriptive statistics , test the normal distribution , simple linear regression analysis ,and multiple regression , statistical results have shown overall proven operating cash flow effect on the value of the company . On the basis of previous results researcher recommends the need to pay detect cash flows more attention in terms of preparation according to international accounting standards and local and indicate its importance in the statement of financial position of companies, focusing on the use flows attributable to certain items of the financial statements rather than relying on the absolute number of cash flow.


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