Suggesting Model to Food supply systems improvement in Iraq ,Afield study for Ration Card Systems

Suggesting Model to Food supply systems improvement in Iraq ,Afield study for Ration Card Systems

Saud Jayed Mashkour, Muhammad Hassan Rashem,  Kamal Kazem Al-Hasani
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2013, Volume 3, Issue 7, Pages 89-105


The program of distribution of food , or the so-called Supply systems of important programs used by the nations of the world with different political systems to overcome the scarcity of food supplies following the emergency situations such as war , natural disasters and international economic sanctions , then being dispensed at the demise of the emergency. Iraq has been applied a comprehensive system for the distribution of basic food items through what has been termed the ration card system since the imposition of sanctions in August 1990.Despite the fact that the system was presented in the earlier stages case distinct in most cruelty circumstances during the economic blockade , it doesn’t achieve its purpose in attaining required food security for citizens , because the lack of regularity the distribution process and the significant shortage of food poor quality and the appearance of clear corruption cases in procurement and supply contracts showed a sensation among the popular classes and the political and government on the feasibility of continuing with this system .Opinions divided among overturn a deadline for the demise of the envelope , under which this system was established or continue to do with the development of vocabulary .In addition to that there is a different opinion put forward strongly recently is to replace the current system by a cash allowance (which was adopted by the government at end of 2012 and then dropped it ) .Hence our study aimed to shed light on the Iraqi experience in the field of food Supply and the failures and their causes that accompanied with, as well as to review number of international experiences in this field .In order to know the views of the public of Iraqi society has embraced the study distributed of a questionnaire that included all questionnaires being traded in the Iraqi area on the ration card to the a different segments in community in the province of Al-Muthanna .


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