The Use of Data Envelopment Analysis to Improve the Efficiency of the Scientific Departments in the Technical Institute of Al-Suwaira

The Use of Data Envelopment Analysis to Improve the Efficiency of the Scientific Departments in the Technical Institute of Al-Suwaira

Muna Shaker Salman 1* , Ms.Ruqayah Yassir Abdul ameer2 and Ms. Athraa Kamel  Al Mashhadani 3

1computer systems technologies/ Technical Institute- Suwaira / Middle Technical University/Iraq

2Accounting / Imam al-Kadhum college  /Iraq

3 Accounting techniques/ Technical Administrative College – Baghdad/ Middle Technical University/Iraq


The mechatronics system is considered one of the most important systems developed globally due to its effective importance in implementing various works such as producing goods, services, industrial products, and communication systems. It is concerned with designing products and integrating industrial, electrical, mechanical, and computer processes into a modern production system. Therefore, the effective performance and organization’s effective achievement of its goals and the emphasis on the quality of performance, as the system is one of the keys to success and how to provide advanced technological products, as the design of the mechatronics system is characterized by efficiency and competitiveness in an industrial environment that is increasingly developing day after day, which is not easily achieved.

Keywords: Ranking of Scientific Departments Efficiency Measurement Data Envelopment Analysis

DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-3/217-236

Volume (12), Issue (3), 2022, Pages: 217-236

Categories: Uncategorized