The Role of Organizational Culture in Promoting the Sharing of Knowledge Among Faculty Members Applied Study in the Faculty of Administration and Economics

The Role of Organizational Culture in Promoting the Sharing of Knowledge Among Faculty Members Applied Study in the Faculty of Administration and Economics

Hana Jassim Mohammed al-Askari
Al-Qadisiyah University/ College of Administration and Economics


The current study focuses on two main Mnglleren organizational culture and the sharing of knowledge with an indication of the link and effect relationships among them. The study relied to reach the goal above the form questionnaire included the organizational culture independent variable dimensions of the three (trust, conflict intellectual orientation of creativity and risk sentiment) and the sharing of knowledge as a variable supported, included the study sample (70) faculty member in the College of Business and Economics and distributed them form questionnaire and retrieved (63) form, and after analyzing the results, it turns out there is a correlation and impact between the dimensions of organizational culture and the sharing of knowledge, as the study showed no statistically significant differences in the answers of the respondents with respect to jointly knowledge dating back to age or scientific title or the duration of the work the university , and the presence of statistically significant differences due to gender, the study also found that the ideological conflict of the most influential factors in the sharing of knowledge and came out inter alia the recommendations of the study with regard to the need to enhance awareness of the importance of knowledge sharing as well as providing a supportive environment for the confidence and the trend towards creativity.


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