The role of modern cost accounting methods in achieving sustainable, clean production: field study in samawa cement factory

The role of modern cost accounting methods in achieving sustainable, clean production: field study in samawa cement factory


The research focuses on modern techniques that help companies develop their products and the extent of the impact of these methods on achieving clean, sustainable production. The study aims to apply a set of modern cost accounting methods, represented by the balanced scorecard, the time-oriented costing system, and the target cost system, in order to know the extent of the impact on achieving Sustainable, cleaner production. The research was conducted on a sample of Iraqi companies represented by the Iraqi Cement Company (Samawa Cement Factory) for the years (2018-2019), and through this, it was achieved to achieve the research objectives and test the hypothesis.

This study concluded that the balanced scorecard is one of the most essential cost accounting procedures that achieves comprehensive efficiency in internal operations, reflected in the development of clean, sustainable products. In addition, the company’s application of any modern cost accounting method represents development and modernity in keeping pace with developments taking place in other companies. The essential thing recommended by the research is the need for Iraqi industrial companies to establish special departments that take it upon themselves to keep pace with developments in cost accounting because of their direct connection to production and sales, as well as the need to develop awareness among higher administrative authorities to use modern cost accounting systems and link them to technological systems in a way that it contributes to enhancing speed and efficiency at work.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2023,Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 129-139


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