The impact of administrative conflict on job satisfaction: exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in commercial banks in erbil governorate

The impact of administrative conflict on job satisfaction: exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in commercial banks in erbil governorate


Administrative conflict and employee job satisfaction are considered among the essential topics many scientists address in modern management. Also, many public or private institutions have paid attention to studying them. This research focuses on the causes of conflict and the most important influential factors that cause the emergence of administrative conflict and reveals the relationship between administrative conflict and job satisfaction. The research sample reached (50) workers in commercial banks in the city of Erbil, with varying functional and educational levels. The measurement tool was utilized to analyze the questionnaire through statistical software (SPSS) using a Likert scale. The research includes two hypotheses: the independent variable represented by (administrative conflict) and the dependent variable (job satisfaction). The authors have utilized appropriate statistical tools such as (arithmetic means, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient). Finally, the researchers have reached a set of conclusions and recommendations. However, the most important of them is the existence of the relationship between administrative conflict and its dimensions on job satisfaction.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2023,Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 103-113


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