The Effect of Information Technology Governance Mechanisms on Organizational Performance Based-It, the Intellectual Dimension of Strategic Alignment as Mediate Variable

The Effect of Information Technology Governance Mechanisms on Organizational Performance Based-It, the Intellectual Dimension of Strategic Alignment as Mediate Variable

Abdul Adheem D.Jabbar *

University of Thi-Qar / College of Administration and Economics.


Higher education organizations in Iraq rely heavily on information technology to improve their performance and recently felt that their use entails information technology governance. In this view, the aim of the research is to examine the relationship between the information technology governance mechanisms and the organizational performance based-IT of a sample of government colleges at the southern region of Iraq as well as illustrating the role of the intellectual dimension of strategic alignment as mediate variable between them. Participants has been invited to complete the survey and mail it to the researcher either by mail or E-mail. Participation in the survey was voluntary, and the anonymity and confidentiality of responses were assured. A total of 72 colleges returned the completed surveys for a response rate of 90%. Our paper reveals a positive, significant, and impactful linkage between IT governance, organizational performance Based-IT and strategic alignment. Moreover, for the first time in Iraq, the current work finds out the connection between strategic alignment and organizational performance. Additionally, the present research demonstrats that the effect of IT governance mechanisms on organizational performance is partially mediated by strategic alignment.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2021, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 157-184


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