Strategic Passion and Its Role in Building Entrepreneurial Organizations – An Applied Study on Private Hospitals in Najaf Governorate

Strategic Passion and Its Role in Building Entrepreneurial Organizations – An Applied Study on Private Hospitals in Najaf Governorate

Hashem Fawzi Al-Abadi*a & Hawraa Rashid al-Mousawib

College of Administration and Economics – University of Kufa.


The strategic passion has recently  attracted an increasing number of researchers despite the presence of few systematic studies, but the phenomenon of passion is prevalent among entrepreneurs and this is a call for experimental and systematic studies of strategic passion in entrepreneurship to provide insights for the practice where the research aims to apply strategic passion to build entrepreneurial organizations. Using a qualitative approach in an in-depth applied study, private hospitals that are among the most advanced projects in the health sector in Najaf Governorate have been studied. The results strongly indicate that foundations for building entrepreneurial organizations at the level of health institutions require at least one passion from entrepreneurs as businesses are formalized in order to increase health services.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2021, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 68-77


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