Smes And Their Role In Economic Growth In Iraq

Smes And Their Role In Economic Growth In Iraq

Kadhim Salman Khmat

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences



Small and medium projects play important roles in economic and social growth . This makes them the center of concern for governments and international organizations particularly the united nations industrial development organization and the international bank . This research includes some conceptions related to small and medium projects as related to every country’s conception use of the term suitable to its industrial and economic situation. It also deals with a lot of problems and obstacles facing small and medium projects including the administrative and obstacles problems like the unavailability of study and research centers related to strategic development, the adequate diagnosis of such problems and their disadvantages . The practical part of this study deals with period between 2000 – 2009 by analyzing and studying the production value and preparing the small and medium projects in the national economy . The study concludes that the reasons for failure center on not carrying out economic significant studies and the unavailability of governmental organizations supporting those projects. Likewise, the conclusion of this study emphasize the deterioration of the production situation and its fall in production decrease by the retracting of the economic monitors in Iraq . The recommendations given in this study represent a roadmap to make and develop projects in Iraq. This includes serving the progressive economic growth, providing the appropriate investing environment , achieving economic and political stability, providing bank facilities, decreasing the rate of profit, making use of other countries’ experiments in the field of providing complete handling of projects by reinforcing the initiative in the specific sector and providing consultative technical services , among others .


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