Property and the State the Harmonious Economy or Contradictory Iraq A Model, With A Hint ff Some ff The Countries Compared for The Period 2003-2015

Property and the State the Harmonious Economy or Contradictory Iraq A Model, With A Hint ff Some ff The Countries Compared for The Period 2003-2015

Ghassan Tarek Zaher
Al-Muthanna University/ College of Administration and Economics


Developing economies face pressure on operating spending , to meet the public infrastructure requirements as well as the funding constraints in these countries is more acute than in developed economies , making them vulnerable to permanent deficits in public budgets Therefore called on international organizations invited to control public spending and to respect the limits set taxes and borrowing in harmony with the new capital mechanism , the stability and growth Pact , which held the EU ” imposed on all economies, rich or poor , To distribute its limited resources among its rival in order to achieve a balance between physical investment and investment in human capital , such as education , health care and other social sectors to ensure the adequacy of the available to cover current expenditure of resources , as well as the development of the role of the private sector because they provide small and medium enterprises of support and strength for decision-makers economic in all countries alike .So the quest is about the role of the private sector in Iraq at the current stage as a sector supported the public sector , especially that the Iraqi economy is suffering from a deficit bilaterally , but the question that arises Is the private sector and the savings are able to solve the public sector Mahal in drawing axes of the local economy under the circumstances The current special session.” Give a man a secure ownership of a barren rock format, and turn it to the Garden of Eden .. The property charm turns sand into gold .”( Arthur Young 1787 )


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