Measuring The Cost Function to Determine The Optimal Size of Production (A Study in Poultry Projects to The Province of Al-muthanna)

Measuring The Cost Function to Determine The Optimal Size of Production (A Study in Poultry Projects to The Province of Al-muthanna)

Miqdad Jasim Abid
Al-Muthanna University/ College of Administration and Economics


The research aims to study the real poultry production costs and determine the optimal size of poultry production projects in the province of Muthanna. The sample was (15%) of the research community. The results of the study has shown that the cost of buying the poultry represents the big part of the total cost then the medicine, and vaccines respectively. The study recommends aiding the producers by providing feed with subsidized prices as well as guiding them by making conferences and meetings so that to overcome the problems that they face . Moreover, it recommends that the government gives loans to the producers in order to increase the production and to encourage the investors to invest in the field of poultry projects in this province. Key words: (fixed costs, variable costs, the optimum size of production, poultry)

Doi: 10.52113/6/2017-7-1/145-158

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