Improving the quality of educational services in consideration of digital transformation strategies: an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of faculty at the university of mosul

Improving the quality of educational services in consideration of digital transformation strategies: an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of faculty at the university of mosul


This study aims to improve the quality of services in educational organizations through digital transformation strategies. It examined the problem of educational organizations in paying attention to modern educational methods and means of utilizing technology and its role in developing the educational process and raising its quality. The hypotheses adopted by the study were based on correlations and the impact of improving the quality of services. Educational and the use of digital transformation strategies. The University of Mosul was chosen as a community for the study, and its teaching faculty included a sample of (100) individuals. The descriptive analytical approach was used to achieve the desired goals. The questionnaire was adopted to collect data, which was analyzed using the package (SPSS V-26). The study emerged with a set of conclusions. The most significant is that digital transformation is essential in achieving the educational service quality in the organization studied, represented by (the University of Mosul).

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2024,Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 43-54


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