The impact of banking services is promotional mix in achiving customer satisfaction A sample survey of the views of customers in Some private banks in the city of Diwaniyah

The impact of banking services is promotional mix in achiving customer satisfaction A sample survey of the views of customers in Some private banks in the city of Diwaniyah

Haider H. Saleh
College of Administration and Economics / University of Al-Qadisiyah


The current research has dealt with one of the basic elements and vital in the marketing work for organizations Banking through a review of one of the important activities and influential in achieving marketing objectives The goal of the promotional mix , which includes five variables ( advertising , personal selling , Sales promotion , public relations and publishing ) and the aim of the research to the study of promotional mix reality in Private banks . The research data collected from a sample of (5) community banks in the city Diwaniyah, and to achieve the goal of research , the researcher has promised to distribute a questionnaire for this purpose on the community Find component of the customers of these banks included ( 78) customer. In light of the rules of engagement were And data collection and testing hypotheses using statistical program (spss) analysis and reach Search and no statistically significant relationship between the components of the promotional mix and achieve satisfaction what Excluding the effect relationship between sales promotion and customer satisfaction is very weak and statistically significant .


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