Pricing Educational Service in Iraqi Private Universities and Colleges

Pricing Educational Service in Iraqi Private Universities and Colleges

Ghazi Maan Faisal      ,       khawla H. Hamdan

Post- Graduate Institute for Accounting And Financial  Studies, University of Baghdad


The research aims to study the foundations adopted by Iraqi private universities and colleges when they are pricing educational service and to explain the reasons for the disparity in fees for the tuitions and to determine the appropriate methods that are supposed to be applied for pricing educational service. The data was collected through the electronic form reviewed by specialists, which were distributed to  4 of the Iraqi private universities and 18 colleges to achieve the research goals. The research reach a set of conclusions, the most important of which: private universities and colleges focus on determining tuitions according to a single pricing basis without studying all factors affecting pricing decisions. This lead to an increase in their return in certain academic specializations, but it will be reflected in a decrease in its return in other academic specializations. Therefore, the research suggests  a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: Iraqi universities and private colleges should study all factors that affect the pricing decisions, and to adopt a pricing basis that is appropriate to achieve the goals for which they were established, which is reflected in determining the tuitions to ensures continuity in the provision and development of educational service.


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