Evaluating the Quality of the School Infrastructure Technically and Practically Using the ServQual Service Quality Model.

Evaluating the Quality of the School Infrastructure Technically and Practically Using the ServQual Service Quality Model.

Adel M. Abdullah Al- Ta’e     ,       Firas Faisal Sallou Daoud

Mosul University/ College of Administration and Economics


The research attempts to assess the quality of the educational services infrastructure in the privet schools (primary and secondary), the quality of educational service related to the teaching methods and education, the reliability in the field of civic education, the speed of responding to the needs and empathy with them, SERVQUAL Model to achieve quality in schools. The study is based on a sample of privet schools in the city of Mosul in Iraq. The method of factor analysis is applied to identify the priorities and importance of the infrastructure of the quality variables of the educational services, to determine the first and most important variable that achieving the quality of education in the privet schools. To start as a focus and basis for quality building in the first education in the privet schools in Mosul, (36) elementary and (18) secondary and secondary schools are considered. The research community consisted of (322) individuals, and 281 valid questionnaires distributed to the administrative and teaching staff in these schools (school principals, assistants, teachers, teachers and administrators). The questionnaire is distributed to analyze the attitudes of respondents in the schools at the city of Mosul and related to the variables of the quality of educational services and knowledge of their priorities and availability in schools in question.


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