Privatization in Islam… an Economic Vision

Privatization in Islam… an Economic Vision

D.Khawla Rashige Hassen
College of Agriculture / University of Basra


Abstract Is the subject of privatization of topics important economic, did not show the theory of privatization in economic thought contemporary as a policy separate from developments in the economies of the advanced industrial countries, but emerged as a result of internal evolution by factors and economic conditions summoned to appear to answer the many difficulties and problems faced by these economies, in the sense Another advocate the privatization did not take place due to the development within the Arab system, but is the solution have been invoked to him from the West, taking as it is without air conditioning and adapt to our requirements economic, as it aims theory of privatization to reduce the role of the public sector in economic life and prove that the deterioration in the economic situation of the country that have adopted the theory of central planning was due to the dominance of the public sector and control. Although many researchers have touched on this subject and in view of the growing importance of this research has touched on the subject of privatization analysis in an attempt to shed light on the economic vision of Islam to this thread. The research was based on the premise that ((seen Islam to the privatization process as an unacceptable shift in the framework of Islamic law and on the basis of specific and are not inconsistent with the principles of Islam)) .


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