Social Undoing and its role in interpreting the relationship between negative linkages and functional performance

Social Undoing and its role in interpreting the relationship between negative linkages and functional performance

Amer Ali Hussein Al Atawia
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2017, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 8-22


This research aims to test the relationship between negative ties and job performance by the mediated role of social undermining. The research sample included (88) individuals from college of economic and administration and college of agriculture. The in-degree scale was used to measure the numer of negative ties by using social network analysis. To measure social undermining and job performance, we used previous studies. The research hypotheses indicated that there are positive relationship between negative ties and social undermining. Also, there are negative relationship between social undermining and job performance. The research proposed that sicoal undermining plays mediated role between negative ties and job perfoamnce. The research findings accepted most of our hypotheses; according to these findings, a set of conclusions and recommendations were formulated.

DOI: 10.52113/6/2017-7-4/8-18

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