Strategic intelligence and its contribution to strategic deception: a survey of the opinions of agents of mobile phone companies in the city of mosul

Strategic intelligence and its contribution to strategic deception: a survey of the opinions of agents of mobile phone companies in the city of mosul


This research aims to diagnose the contribution of strategic intelligence and its dimensions represented by exploration, vision, partnership, motivation, leadership philosophy, and deep knowledge of strategic deception and its dimensions represented by removing competitors from the profit zone, borrowing styles from unexpected areas, hide how to achieve success, and hiding information from competitors. The research field was the agencies of mobile phone companies in Mosul city, which were chosen to conduct the applied aspect of the research. A field survey showed (14) agent companies for international companies that produce mobile phones. The research community consisted of the main agent and his deputy, the sales manager, and the accounts manager. The questionnaire was adopted as a primary tool in collecting data from the researched community. A total of 72 questionnaires were distributed, and 65 of them were returned valid for analysis. The descriptive analytical method was adopted in the research, and the statistical software (Smart PLS) was utilized to analyze the collected data. The most significant result was a positive relationship between strategic intelligence and strategic deception. Furthermore, there was a positive effect between strategic intelligence and strategic deception.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2023,Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 1-16


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