The Role Of Dynamic Capabilities In Enhancing Competitive Advantage: An Analytical Study In Elaf Islamic Bank

The Role Of Dynamic Capabilities In Enhancing Competitive Advantage: An Analytical Study In Elaf Islamic Bank

Saleh Abdul-Ridha Rashid, Ali Abdul-Razzaq, Fattah Al-Aboudi
Al-Qadisiyah University, College of Administration and Economics


The study attempted to explore the role of dynamiccapabilities in enhancing competitive advantage oforganization. It introduced a theoretical frameworkof many view point of researchers about studyvariables. It also introduced analytical frameworkfor opinions of (40) of Elaf Islamic Bank managersfrom different administrative levels. Dynamiccapabilities as independent variable was expressedthrough(3) dimensions (Sensing capability, Seizingcapability, Re-configuration capability) based on(Wilden et al,2013). The competitive advantage as dependent variablewas expressed through (2) dimensions (strategicperformance and financial performance) accordingto (Schilke,2013). The study reached to someconclusions, among them is the necessity ofdeveloping a bank philosophy toward dynamiccapabilities that becomes a part of its strategy tocreate and maintain the competitive advantage.


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