The role of organizational agility in enhancing strategic supremacy of organizations in dynamic environments : An analytical study in a number of private universities and colleges in the Middle Euphrates region in Iraq

The role of organizational agility in enhancing strategic supremacy of organizations in dynamic environments : An analytical study in a number of private universities and colleges in the Middle Euphrates region in Iraq

Saleh A. Rashid , Laith Ali Muttar
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences 2020, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 21-47


The research aimed to identify the role that organizational agility can play in enhancing strategic supremacy of organizations. It highlighted the need for organizations to adopt a new business model based on the fact that agile organizations can achieve strategic supremacy in a dynamic environment, and tested the impact relationships between organizational agility and strategic supremacy. It also tested the interactive role of environmental dynamism. The targeted organizations were private universities and colleges in the Middle Euphrates region, which consist of (11) private universities and colleges. The research adopted the descriptive and analytical approach to the opinions of ( 114 ) department heads in those colleges. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data on its variables. The research conveyed an encouraging message to the targeted colleges , in particular and organizations in general, that the desired supremacy can be achieved when those colleges are able to guarantee required level of organizational agility . The research came out with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to give greater agility in educational institutions more attention from those concerned with their affairs, and to establish behaviors leading to them, as well as developing strategies that work to enhance the motives of strategic excellence in order to gain prestigious positions in global rankings.

Keywords: organizational agility, strategic supremacy, and dynamic environments.

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