The Role of Comprehensive Productive Maintenance in Improving Station Performance: Applied Research for the South Baghdad Station-the First

The Role of Comprehensive Productive Maintenance in Improving Station Performance: Applied Research for the South Baghdad Station-the First

Thaer Sabri Mahmoud al-Ghabban      ,     Mustafa Walid Zughair

Higher Institute of Accounting and Financial Studies , University of Baghdad

This study aims to present a proposed framework on the application of a comprehensive production maintenance technique in the south of Baghdad station / the first to improve the operational performance of the station and reduce downtime times, whether it is programmed or forced, and reduce the maintenance required for the station. One of the most important conclusions reached by the research is that replacing heavy fuel with natural gas by adopting the techniques of comprehensive production maintenance and continuous improvement leads to an increase in the production capacity generated in the  mentioned  station, and the lack of programmed and emergency stops and access to electrical energy issued sufficient to the need of the national grid, with all specialties (industrial, agricultural, consumers).


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