The Role of Bank Credit in Achieving Efficiency, Justice and Prosperity Rafidain Bank as a Model for the Period (2008-2020(

The Role of Bank Credit in Achieving Efficiency, Justice and Prosperity Rafidain Bank as a Model for the Period (2008-2020(

Dr.Razzaq Thaeab shaebth 1* and Mr. Mohammed Thaief mezael  2

1,2 *Al-Muthanna University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Business


      After four decades of state and public sector control over the various joints of the economy, crowding the private sector, and entering Iraq in three consecutive wars, these events resulted in economic and social distortions in the Iraqi economy. Also, this has led the government to adopt a policy of support and intervention, which carried a heavy burden, and put pressure on the general budget. All this comes within the framework of the possibility of achieving and achieving the economic well-being of citizens. Economic development or quality of life at health and educational levels, but measured by the combination of genetic coefficient and average per capita income. Thus, if the level of economic well-being in Iraq reaches a high level, this does not mean that the citizen is entertained in all aspects but is luxurious in terms of consumption related to developments in monetary income. The gap between the different income segments has widened, and there are two classes, the lower and upper categories, due to inflation and financial corruption. Therefore, the necessity came to analyze bank credit and its role in achieving prosperity, justice, and efficiency. Also, this study has reached a series of conclusions, the most important of which is that government support in Iraq is not just a monetary number. However, this number comes from the interaction of many political, economic, social, structural, financial, and monetary factors. Also, this support has temporal results, as well as several recommendations. Most importantly, the forms of credit granted by Al-Rafidain Bank, which the bank offers to Iraqi society, have to be diversified and followed by international experiences.

 Keywords: (bank credit, justice, well-being, descriptive analysis)

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2022,Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 66-78

DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-4/66-78

Categories: Uncategorized