The Internal Benchmarking Role in Diagnosing The Performance Gap and The Continuous Improvement

The Internal Benchmarking Role in Diagnosing The Performance Gap and The Continuous Improvement

Yusuf Dulab Youssef
Isra University College


As the education level rapidly developed, the academic institutions seek improving their performance to survive and achieve the competitive advantage, which has led them to adopt and apply the performance standards of the educational quality assurance for Academic Accreditation. As a result, the need to adopt the methods of modern management applications, including benchmarking method as one of the important tools used to in measure and determine the performance gap and the adopting the quality wheel, has emerged to conduct the continuity in reducing the gap and filling with incremental improvements. The educational organization should re-conduct benchmarking and evaluating improvements constantly to inspect the progression range.The research has come to a set of conclusions:-Search results has proved the commitment weaknesses to implement the issues stated by the university quality standards ranging as the points obtained by sections has ranged between (45-55), which is considered relatively low according to a scale ranging )1-100(,excepting the Computer Systems Division, as it achieved )75( points, coming as the strongest component in the research sample.The research recommends the following:-The necessity to activate Department of Quality and Performance role to ensure the university follow-up and compel the academic institutions to implement and apply the quality standards, and not just preparing and printing evidence without a follow-up procedure. In addition to assigning faculties the role of efficiency and the scientific expertise in the academic institutions to follow up to with standards to ensure the students to graduate with qualifications that meet the professional requirements.


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