The impact of isil and covid-19 on the financial performance of banks listed on the iraq stock exchange: a comparative study

The impact of isil and covid-19 on the financial performance of banks listed on the iraq stock exchange: a comparative study


This study aims to demonstrate the impact of the ISIL crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on the financial performance of banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange by comparing the profitability ratios of the banks in the research sample. In order to achieve this aim, a sample of 10 banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange was selected for the period 2011-2021. Using annual financial reports for the periods before and after the emergence of ISIS. Before and after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the profitability ratios were extracted (represented by return on assets, equity, and deposits). The research problem was to study and compare the impact of the successive crises (the ISIL crisis and COVID-19) that Iraq was exposed to on the financial performance of the banking sector. The study concluded that the ISIL crisis impacts the financial performance of banks listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange, while the Covid-19 crisis does not impact banks’ financial performance. Based on this, the results showed a difference in the impact between the ISIL and COVID-19 crises and banking financial performance, so there is a need for bank administrations to study future forecasts of exceptional circumstances and take them into account to face future crises that may occur.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2023,Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 91-102


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