Measuring the impact of education on the level of employment in iraq for a specific period of time(1999-2016)

Measuring the impact of education on the level of employment in iraq for a specific period of time(1999-2016)


The research has addressed the importance of education in the level of employment, as the relationship is positive between education and jobs in the long term. In contrast, the relationship is negative in the short term. The main objective of the research is to reduce the risks of economic unemployment and increase employment opportunities for degree holders. Some results indicate, through tabular data, that employment opportunities are growing. It is high with the increase in the average years of education, as the percentage in the average years of education in 2005 is (2.081059), which makes the employment percentage 38.55, as it increases as the years’ progress, so in 2016 the education percentage is 2.249923, and the corresponding for that year is 39.26, the employment percentage. As is evident from the graphs that confirm the gradual decline in the education rate in 1996, this may have caused, as a result of the circumstances, an economic blockade. Still, on the other hand, the enrollment rate in education increased in 2007 for both sexes, as enrollment rates for males exceeded the rate for females in secondary education between the periods (1999-2005). The research concluded with a set of recommendations and conclusions.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2024,Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 27-34


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