Entrepreneurship and Its Role in Achieving Sustainable Banking Performance: an Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Group of Leaders of Public Sector Banks

Entrepreneurship and Its Role in Achieving Sustainable Banking Performance: an Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Group of Leaders of Public Sector Banks

Dr. Kamal Kazem Taher 1* and M. Alaa Attia Ghoneim 2

1,2 University of Al-Muthanna: College of Administration and Economics



The current study sought to explore the role played by entrepreneurship in its dimensions (creativity, risk-taking and proactiveness or initiative) in sustainable performance with its dimensions (economic sustainability, social sustainability, environmental sustainability and moral sustainability) in the surveyed organizations (government sector banks in the south and the middle Euphrates) affiliated to the Ministry of Finance. The research sample was intentional, which included (200) members of the Board of Directors (general manager, assistant general manager, department manager). The current work used the questionnaire as the main tool for data collection. In addition, it utilized a set of statistical analyses represented by confirmatory factor analysis and structural modelling equation using path analysis. Furthermore, statistical programs (AMOS v.24 & SPSS v.24) tested the study’s main hypotheses. Finally, the study presented a set of conclusions and recommendations aimed, including that the leaders of the surveyed banks resort to achieving sustainable performance through the promotion of entrepreneurship, which is an indication of the bank administrations’ awareness of adopting the dimensions of entrepreneurship in support of the sustainable performance of the study sample organizations.

DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-3/17-34

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