Entrepreneurial Alertness and Its Role in Achieving Proactive Behavior

Entrepreneurial Alertness and Its Role in Achieving Proactive Behavior

Dr. Kamal Kazem Taher1* and Ms. Alaa Attia Ghoneim 2

1,2 *Al-Muthanna University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Business


This study aims to examine the role played by the pioneering spirit in its dimensions (collection and research, linking and communication, evaluation and assessment) in proactive behavior and its dimensions (speaking behavior, individual innovation, avoiding problems, and taking responsibility). The interviewed organizations (public sector banks in the Southern and Central Euphrates Governorates. These included Rafidain Bank in all of its branches, Rashid Bank in all of its branches, and Agricultural Bank affiliated with the Ministry of Finance. The study sample has been intended to include (150) members of the Board of Directors (CEO, Deputy CEO, and Department Head). Also, this study has utilized a questionnaire for collecting data. The range of statistical analyzes represented by confirmatory factor analysis and structural model equations using path analysis and statistical programs (AMOS v.23 & SPSS v.23). The main study hypotheses have been tested. Moreover, this study has presented a set of conclusions and recommendations to ensure that the surveyed banks’ executives are supporting technological acceptance by improving entrepreneurial readiness. Also, there is a clear understanding of the bank’s management of the dimensions of entrepreneurial readiness and the dimensions of technology acceptance, which indicates the banking management’s awareness of adopting entrepreneurial readiness and technology acceptance.

Keywords: Digital Entrepreneurial Readiness, Proactive Behavior

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2022,Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 110-127

DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-4/110-127

Categories: Uncategorized