The Role of the Economic Reform Policies in Attracting the Foreign Direct Investment in Iraq : A Case Study

The Role of the Economic Reform Policies in Attracting the Foreign Direct Investment in Iraq : A Case Study

Sundus jasim shaaibith
College of Administration and Economics, University of Al-Qadisiya


This research deals with an important economic issue, an economic reform, which was applied in many countries of the world under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, as the subject seeks to identify the extent of the role and impact of this reform in the process of attracting foreign direct investment, so it has become the issue of reforming the economy Iraq is an urgent and essential need in light of the many distortions that have occurred as a result of wars and economic and political districts unstable conditions, as well as international economic developments and global openness and the tremendous technological progress that has occurred in all fields, which deprived him of Iraq for decades.In the face of this situation, the importance of rehabilitation of the Iraqi economy and triggers the adoption of economic reform policies and purposeful from behind to influence the performance of macroeconomic indicators and to correct its course, was accompanied by Iraq to privatize its economy, forcing it to resort to foreign direct investment due to the inability of local resources for the fulfillment of what it takes economic growth of resources.


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