The Extent of Leadership Compensations in Influencing the Attractive Organized ideological of Private Colleges :An Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Teaching in Private Schools in Karbala Governorate.

The Extent of Leadership Compensations in Influencing the Attractive Organized ideological of Private Colleges :An Analytical Study of the Views of a Sample of Teaching in Private Schools in Karbala Governorate.

Dheyaa Falih Bannay

University of Warith Al-Anbiya/ College of Administration and Economics


The current research aims to test the effect of driving compensators in the attractiveness of organizational ideology by using a sample of (212) teaching staff working in private colleges in Karbala governorate. The descriptive analytical method was used to find out the views of the research sample and also used various statistical methods such as simple correlation and regression to know the nature of the statistical relationship between variables By relying on the statistical program (Spss v.21), the results revealed an effect of leadership compensation in how the two teachers perceived the attractiveness of their college ideology in a positive way, and the researcher presented a set of recommendations to increase the attraction towards the ideology of private colleges Of the most important set of values, principles and ideas that fit the nature of the societies in which they operate colleges, and these enter values ​​within the vision and mission of community colleges with the possibility of its application or access to it.


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