Political Behavior of Hospitals Managers and Its Effect on the Spread of Emotional Exhaustion Between Nurses A Case Study in Sadr Teaching Hospital in Najaf Province

Political Behavior of Hospitals Managers and Its Effect on the Spread of Emotional Exhaustion Between Nurses A Case Study in Sadr Teaching Hospital in Najaf Province

Laith Ali Yusuf Al Hakim
University of Kufa/ College of Administration and Economics


The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between political behavior of managers and emotional exhaustion in the hospitals in the Al-Sadr teaching hospital. The importance of current research in its attempt to bridge the gap between variables. Furthermore, there is a reality problem, which has a significant effect on Iraqi health sector. Based on the random sampling, 450 questionnaires were distributed to nurses at the hospitals in the Al-Sadr teaching hospital. Only 310 questionnaires were returned. Out of which 287 questionnaires were usable resulting into a response rate of 92%. The theoretical results show the knowledge gap related to identification the nature of the relationship between political behavior of managers and emotional exhaustion. Moreover, the practical results show the significant and positive effect of political behavior on emotional exhaustion.Keywords: Political Behavior, Emotional Exhaustion.


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