The Role of the Cleaner Production Strategy in Achieving Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Study at the General Company for Northern Cement / Badoush Cement Factory

The Role of the Cleaner Production Strategy in Achieving Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Study at the General Company for Northern Cement / Badoush Cement Factory

Safwan Yassin Hassan al-Rawi*

Mosul University / College of Administration and Economics / Business Administration Department.


The research aims to shed light on the study of correlation and impact relationships between cleaner production variables and achieving sustainable development in the General Company for Northern Cement / Badoush Cement Factory. The sample includes the department managers and workers in the factory. The questionnaire form is adopted as a main tool in data collection.  The SPSS statistical analysis program has been  used to analyze the data and obtain the results.

The researcher has reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the interest on the part of the plant management in using the cleaner production strategy, which is of great importance in achieving sustainable development and optimal use of resources, which works to reduce energy use and costs and obtain a better competitive position.


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