The Use of Hybrid  Manufacturing to Improve the Competitive Performance of Economic Units an Applied Research on the Textile Factory / Hilla

The Use of Hybrid  Manufacturing to Improve the Competitive Performance of Economic Units an Applied Research on the Textile Factory / Hilla

Jamal Nasser Faisal Al-Shamri  &   Thaer Sabri Mahmoud Al-Ghabban

Higher Institute of Accounting and Financial Studies / University of Baghdad


The research aims to identify hybrid manufacturing and a course in measuring and improving the competitive performance of companies or industrial units through the application of hybrid manufacturing tools and technical methods. These methods lead to the application of the dimensions of hybrid manufacturing, namely (reducing costs to the lowest possible, obtaining high quality products, speed in Producing products and providing them to the customer in the shortest specified period, variety of products, serving the customer and providing all the requirements to reach the product). These dimensions all come using hybrid manufacturing in the economic unit. The unit’s access to these features may lead to an improvement in the future in its overall performance, increasing its market share and sales, and thus improving its competitive position.


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