The Impact of the Iraqi Stock Market on the Growth of Banking Investment and Their Impact on Economic Growth for the Period (1992-2020)

The Impact of the Iraqi Stock Market on the Growth of Banking Investment and Their Impact on Economic Growth for the Period (1992-2020)

Prof. Dr. Haider Talib Musa 1* and Mr. Mustafa Abdel Karim Abdullah 2

1,2 University of Al-Muthanna: College of Administration and Economics


Financial markets occupy a vital position in modern economic systems. They are considered a reflection of the financial and economic systems of the state. Also, they can influence economic growth positively by mobilizing sufficient savings and distributing them to various investments. The Iraqi Stock Exchange works to attract financial resources as the market. It is only financial in Iraq, where the research aims to analyze the impact of the Iraqi stock market on the growth of banking investment. The authors have shown their impact on economic growth by analyzing market indicators during the search duration. This work has reached several conclusions, the most significant of which is that sharp fluctuations dominated the market activity due to the instability of the security and economic conditions, negatively affecting the market performance. Also, the authors have suggested several recommendations, including the need to provide the appropriate environment for the market to carry out its activity efficiently, which cannot be achieved without a safe and stable environment.

Keywords: Iraq stock market, banking sector, domestic product, Autoregressive Distributed Deceleration (ARDL) model
DOI: 10.52113/6/2022-12-3/120-133
Volume (12), Issue (3), 2022, Pages: 120-133

Categories: Uncategorized