Employing ambidextrous leadership behaviors to enhance innovative work behavior: An Exploratory study

Employing ambidextrous leadership behaviors to enhance innovative work behavior: An Exploratory study

Saleh A. Rashid
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2018, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 8-27


The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which the behavior of the ambidextrous leadership of head departments influenced the innovative behavior of the faculty members in the faculties of Alqadisiyah University. Behaviors of ambidextrous leadership were examined through two types of behaviors: opening behaviors and closing behaviors, while innovative behavior was tested through two types of behavior, namely, explorative innovative behavior, sub-branches exploration of opportunity, idea generation , and exploitative innovative behavior through sub branch idea promotion and idea implementation. A sample of faculty members was surveyed among the university faculties. The number of its members was (287). The questionnaire was adopted as the main tool for obtaining required data and a number of statistical methods were used to test hypotheses. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most important one is that the opening behavior of heads of scientific departments is reflected positively on the innovative behavior of faculty members in general and exploratory behavior in particular .The study came out with a set of recommendations, the foremost is the need to work on developing leadership skills of the teaching staff nominated for positions of leadership in how to deal with the discrepancy in the requirements of traditional activities of teaching and learning on the one hand , and those related to( R & D) activities on the other through introduction of specialized training courses in this the field


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