The Economic Challenges of Terrorism and the Elimination possibilities : A Special Reference to Iraq

The Economic Challenges of Terrorism and the Elimination possibilities : A Special Reference to Iraq

Mahdi Khalil Shadeed
University of Babylon/ College of Administration and Economics


This research examines the economic challenges of terrorism as well as the available solutions for the economic side through introducing economic programs and policies so as to treatment the poverty and set justice for wealth and income among society personals from what they faced especially after 11 September 2001.The research reached many conclusions to avoid terrorism by using economic variables since both of them are sorts of human behaviors. It is also concluded that the oil-countries are more supplier than nonoil-countries for terrorism. This is attributed to the weakness of institutions in such countries. This point is not applied on Iraq because the factors that led for the terrorism are related the political and external factors in addition to the economic factors.

Doi: 10.52113/6/2017-7-1/106 -124

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