The Use Of Financial Analysis In Credit Analysis, A Case Study In Watan Al-khair General Contracting Company Limited For The Financial Period 2010-2012
- Post by: Muthanna mjdes
- August 31, 2022
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AbstractBanking credit has an important role in supporting the process of Economical development, and the credit activity has a great and distinctive importance to succeed the commercial Banks for directing most their abilities toward the administration of credit in successful way. The Banking credit represents the main sources of revenues that obtained by the Banks, and increase its profits. in order to make a decision more rational and safety by the Bank. We need to depend greatly on the Finance Data and Information and analyze it to study the finance indicators that measure the center. The Researcher aims through this study to clarify the importance of analyzing Finance Data for the credit applicant to detect and investigate of the Finance Center safety and its ability to cover its commitments.The importance of this study lies that the finance analysis is considered an important tool to decrease the looses that bearing by the Banks due to the stumbled loans and facilities. So the Researcher reached to many recommendations, the most important are: The client should be required to attach with request of loan the previous finance lists to study and analyze them by the credit section, in order to behave according to fluidity and Efficiency for the client, and the bank should search for an efficient analyst using the analyses finance tools to face challenges that some banks may be exposed to such as the looses that effect the Capitals