Role Of The Private Industrial Sector To Reduce Unemployment, With A Focus On The Kurdistan Region Of Iraq For The Period (2005 -2010)

Role Of The Private Industrial Sector To Reduce Unemployment, With A Focus On The Kurdistan Region Of Iraq For The Period (2005 -2010)

Shaima Muhammad Najib Al-Murtaza
College of Administration and Economics, Nowruz University


AbstractContributes to the private industrial sector in developing countries, particularly in countries in transition in the economy an important role to raise the industrial performance efficiency, aims research to study and analyze the role of the private industrial sector in the region in providing employment opportunities for the period of the year) 2005 -2010) to raise economic efficiency and productivity in order to reduce unemployment and poverty reduction through the contribution of the private industrial sector, in order to stand on the development of indicators number of industrial establishments own and heads the money invested in the industry and jobs in the private industrial sector, and find solutions for many of the economic problems facing the industrial sector in Iraq in general and the region in search increase industrial growth assumed unemployment rates fall .seat to a number of conclusions, based upon some of the proposals presentedKey words: private sector industrial, unemployment, industrial growt


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