Facility layout of tourism organizations and its role in achieving customer satisfaction: An analytical study of the sample opinions of the Chavi land theme park in the city of Sulaimani

Facility layout of tourism organizations and its role in achieving customer satisfaction: An analytical study of the sample opinions of the Chavi land theme park in the city of Sulaimani

Assist. Lec Othman K. Mahmud Assist Lec. Daroon F. Abdulla Assist lec. Ava O. Fatah
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2014, Volume 4, Issue 10, Pages 104-138


This research aims to find the role of facility layout of location on the theme park customers and particularly its impact on the customer satisfaction. The necessity of customer’s presence through the production and delivery of services in general and tourism services in particular ,supports the current research around the implications and roles of the service location arrangement of theme parks tourism and entertainment on achieve customer satisfaction. The visitors of (CHAVI LAND) in the city of Sulaimani have been selected as a population of our research. The data were collected from a random sample of visitors by the filling the questionnaire in order to analyze the implications of current facility layout on customer satisfaction, and then reaching to the better design. This study tries to answer the questions which were formulated in the terms of the study’s problem by finding the correlation and regression between variables research and test the keys and subsidiary assumption validity. It is concluded that there is a strong positive correlation relatively among some of facility layout dimensions and visitors satisfaction. However, there is no significant relationship between two dimensions of facility layout and visitors satisfaction. Also, it has been reached to the occurrence of the effect relationship between all the dimensions of facility layout separately on visitor’s satisfaction


This research aims to find the role of facility layout of location on the theme park customers and particularly its impact on the customer satisfaction. The necessity of customer’s presence through the production and delivery of services in general and tourism services in particular, supports the current research around the implications and roles of the service location arrangement of theme parks

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