Policies Of Economic Stabilization and Structural Adjustment and Its Impact in the human Development indicators in Developing countries.

Policies Of Economic Stabilization and Structural Adjustment and Its Impact in the human Development indicators in Developing countries.

Ali Kadhim Hilal
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2014, Volume 4, Issue 10, Pages 66-89


Many developing countries wanted to apply Policies Of Economic Stabilization and Structural Adjustment that is enforced by (IMF,WB) through the second half of the eighties of the last decade , from which the policies of foreign trade freedom and expansion to markets economics in order to achieve same targets, increase economic growth rate and decrease inflation rate and financial deficiency in the general budget and decrease deficiency in the current account in payment balance and external debt unemployment, However, the practical reality proved that applying those policies led to the emergency of social and economic negative effects on human development.


Many developing countries wanted to apply Policies Of Economic Stabilization and Structural Adjustment that is enforced by, IMF, WB through the second half of the eighties of the last decade, from which the policies of foreign trade freedom and

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