The essential Requirements of lean Six Sigma methodology and its Influence on Enhancing the Strategies of agile Manufacturing: An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Manager’s opinions in North Oil Company in Kirkuk

The essential Requirements of lean Six Sigma methodology and its Influence on Enhancing the Strategies of agile Manufacturing: An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Manager’s opinions in North Oil Company in Kirkuk

The essential Requirements of lean Six Sigma methodology and its Influence on Enhancing the Strategies of agile Manufacturing: An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Manager’s opinions in North Oil Company in Kirkuk
Ahmed Hussein Ali , Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences 2020, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 47-61
This research aims to discover the nature of the correlation and the effect relationship concerning the requirements of lean six sigma with the strategies of agile manufacturing, which become one of the most important topics in production management and processes science in last years. For the sake of knowing the consequences of this relationship within the Iraqi industry environment, the researchers chose an industrial company represented by the North Oil company in Kirkuk, through an exploratory study of the opinions of a group of managers working there. Many conclusions have been found, the most important of which is that a correlation relationship between the requirements of lean six sigma and the strategies of agile manufacturing is existed.  In addition, a significant effect of the lean six sigma on the strategies of agile manufacturing within the company, where the sample of the research has been chosen. The authors presented a number of suggestions to bridge the gap of this relation for each pair of variables. One of the most important suggestions that the authors have presented is that the company must pay more attention to the requirements of the lean six sigma since these requirements play a great role in enhancing the strategies of agile manufacturing. Besides, the company should also focus on the strategies of agile manufacturing because they are one of the basic tools of survival and growth in addition to achieve advantages over competitors and as a way for reaching the global markets.
Keywords: Six Sigma, lean Six Sigma, Active Manufacturing.


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