The role of simultaneous engineering in achieving competitive advantage: An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in the Light Industries Company.

The role of simultaneous engineering in achieving competitive advantage: An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of workers in the Light Industries Company.

Manal Jabbar Sorour Samurai   Ali Abdul Hussain Hani Zamili
 College of Administration and Economics , University of Baghdad
The research aims to study one of cost and administrative contemporary technology, namely technology concurrent engineering in order to release its role in achieving competitive advantage of four dimensions: to reduce costs , improve quality , reduce the time of the design and manufacturing, assembling and marketing. In addition, to provide sufficient flexibility to respond to the needs and desires of renewable customers.
This research is an exploratory study of the opinions of sample workers in ‘Light Industry Company’ administrators, accountants, engineers and technicians. In order to test the research hypotheses, questionnaire has been designed to include (20) questions directed to a sample of (50) members of the employees of the company research sample. A set of statistical tools have been used:  Mean percentage and standard deviation as well as the use (T test). The  study would be  accepted  If the  mean exceeds three bikes from the size of a Likert five degrees relative weight of more than 60% as well as the calculated value of T greater than Tabulated value at 0.05 level.
 After analyzing the survey results using statistical tools ,the most important results that have been reached that concurrent engineering technique can help economic units to achieve competitive advantage through their ability to reduce costs and improve quality and reduce the time and provide sufficient flexibility to respond to the needs of customers.


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