The role of customer value in promoting anso matrix strategies a survey study in ibn sina teaching hospital in mosuI a thesis submitted

The role of customer value in promoting anso matrix strategies a survey study in ibn sina teaching hospital in mosuI a thesis submitted


The topic of customer value is one of the contemporary topics. A group of new and vital technologies have emerged that would contribute to the marketing of health products and services in general, as they have developed significantly in the last two decades, especially in light of crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. 19, The current research aims to explain the role of customer value, in its dimensions, in enhancing strategies based on the Ansoff matrix, on the assumption that customer value contributes to improving it, and also “the impact of strategies based on the Ansoff matrix.” Ibn Sina Hospital in the city of Mosul was chosen, and a sample of the medical staff was taken. Their number is (50), and the research reached several conclusions, the most important of which was the hospital’s interest in the value of the customer and working to revitalize its activities by providing high-quality health services to enhance its adopted strategies. The research also reached several recommendations, the most important of which was the application of techniques based on the Ansoff matrix, a strategy used by many organizations.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2024,Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 10-17


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