The role of bank credit granted to the private sector in eliminating the problem of poverty in iraq For the period (2004-2020)

The role of bank credit granted to the private sector in eliminating the problem of poverty in iraq For the period (2004-2020)


The research aims to analyze the credit policy of Iraqi commercial banks by investigating the role of credit granted to the private sector by government and private banks and its impact on poverty. The Distributed Self Deceleration Model (ARDL) was utilized to show the effect of private credit on reducing the poverty rate in Iraq for the period under consideration.   The research has concluded several conclusions, the most important of which is that government and private banks and the poverty rate in Iraq grant a long-term equilibrium relationship between private credit. Moreover, the researchers have suggested a number of recommendations, the most important of which is combating all forms of bureaucracy and facilitating the granting of small and medium loans and precisely directing them to support the creation of productive projects. as well as reducing the phenomenon of the rise in directing cash loans towards the consumer aspects that characterize Iraqi commercial banks.

Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, 2024,Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 110-123


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