The Range Application The local Banks of Iraqis for Corporate Governance: The Study Application For Simply From Banks of Working in Two Sectors Government and Private in Environment an Work of Iraqi

The Range Application The local Banks of Iraqis for Corporate Governance: The Study Application For Simply From Banks of Working in Two Sectors Government and Private in Environment an Work of Iraqi

Mohammad Samir Diherib
Muthanna Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
2011, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 149-190


The study goal for communiqué of the of the corporate governance of banking according for principle and rules corporate governance which is issued by the (OECD) and Basel committee the banking observance , which has been come out this study for projector over of the concepts and goal , advantage of the corporate governance, and application the corporate governance in a simple of finance enterprises for example of local banks in Iraqi environment , this considering as basis of a pedestals for the national economy and one abutments which is use approach survey in sample that continue (30) officials . The important things of the conclusion study, the corporate governance principles of its application. it leads of making justice and transparency and protect depositors rights, it also work to pushing down rates financial corruption and management and rise the companies levels and control reinforcement and increase the confidence of the national economy ,it is also deepening the financial markets role on saving deposits and rise the investments returns also increasing financing opportunities and reduce the risk levels and to be off from the stumble banking, the important recommendations that is coming this study , necessary it is to hold the obligation banking enterprises by laws , systems and instruments , and development best application to applying in formation the boards of director ,also audit committee in banks ,it is working for performance guarantee financial reports ,and also actualization confidence in accounting information ,and importance to making bank central of Iraqi issued and relying a special standard corporate governance its general accepted and it is recognizing and necessary the local banks follow of the corporate governance, also tray to increase application of percentage of roles corporate governance to up percentage whereof ,appear study result .



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